Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Shit Shows Minus the Shit

It's an early morning wake up for all of us in 120. And by early morning I mean 9am. haha. so after successfully getting down from our lofts I need something from a high off area on the ground. and by high off, I mean I have to climb. great. I'm 5'3" and white gurl does not have hops. And what I needed was on top of my armoir (which is at least 6 foot tall). So up I climb. I hop on top of an ottoman and then station my feet firmly on the bin handles that is stacked on another. As I'm reaching up for dear life - because I still couldn't reach  - the empty bins collapse and in goes my foot and my other foot slides off the other and into a crate that has a lamp in it. As this is all happening, the bin in which my hand is fishing around in gets pushed off the armoir and falls 6 feet and BAM is broken. I survived the collapse with out a scratch, the bin on the other hand did not surivive. RIP medium size bin with cool ass handles.

The other shit show was Katie. yeahhh gurlll.
Our chairs at our desks are not straight legged chairs. And by this I mean that they are weird rocking chairs..but they don't rock. More so lean back a little to scare the living shit out of you. Well oh lovely Katie ate her shit today. she was about to sit down and literally missed the chair. completely. and down she fell. It was kinda like when we were back in grade school and you pulled the chair out from beneth a friend (if you don't know what I'm talking about then you missed out) and they missed it and everyone laughed because for some rediculous reason it was hilarious. Basically Katie brought me back to middle school with the spill she took today.'s quiet hours

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