Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Because We Got High...

Thanks Court for the title...

No, we didn't smoke up in our room...sorry to disappoint. However, we all did loft. To fully understand our room, let me try and paint a picture for you. It's a box (so we could potienially hot box..hahaha) anywhoo. When one first walks in, to their left is one wall with my bed (desk and dresser underneath) then a armoir and then Clare's bed (and her desk and dresser). When you continue moving right, the far wall has two GIANTLY    T
windows. In between them we have a tremendous amount of hydration drinks (such as oj, haterade and water), two fridges, and the tv station. The third wall is Courtney's bed and then on the last wall is Katie's.

Now, one would think that we are an all girl's school that Saint Mary's would take it into their own hands to help us out, but I guess they cut corners at every opportunity (we even had to pay for our lofts..) and not give us ladders. Having a ladder would have greatly helped out Katie and her struggle to get into her loft.

So day 1 in lofts, we are all sitting in ours except Katie. Gurl is dreading getting into her loft. She hates heights maybe? but anywhoo. she tried using one side as a ladder (however, the boards are not thick so one's feet are in instant pain when stepping up or down) however that was a fail. So she spots an ottoman that she has and strategically plants it in front of her bed (really, one might think this might help if it was tall but it's not. In fact, I'm pretty sure one could take a step higher than that thing). She decides to get a running start (yes, you read correctly) so she walks over by my bed (remember our walls form a perfect 90 degrees) and starts running, She get's to the ottoman and stops.dead. in her tracts and takes a step up. She looks at her loft, looks back at me with this smirk of a giggle face on and takes one giant leap for women-kind. She successfully get's up one leg, then it all goes down hill after this (literally). Katie starts wiggling her other leg in attempt to help her upperbody up. One of her arms gives out and she is now hanging by one leg and holding on to dear life screaming "OHMYGOD Michelle, help meeee!!!" and I give her this look of "you've got to be shitting me." so out of my loft I go (successfully) and help a gurl out. I end up being a human step-ladder for her by giving one of her feet a base to launch up into her bed and finally get up there. You think it ends there...guess again dear readers. Because of the "hop" up, one of her bars get's lose and messes with the stability of her bed. So NOW every move she makes, her bed is violently shaking.
      "ohmygod. I'm going to die...I can see it tomorrow, loft collapses and kills cali gurl"
      "Katie, calm down and get down from your loft."
      "I can't, I can't move. No way. Every move I move the bed."
      "well, to fix it you have to get down so then we really don't fuck things up"
      "oh god. okay."

As she turns around to get down, her feet flop up and down (much like a dying fish out of water) as she is lowering her body to find the makeshift boards on the side of the bed. As she is realizing she's missing pretty much every chance to plant her feet securely, she starts saying "I swear to god michelle..." and finally finds her ottoman (I guess that thing did come in handy) and fixes her bed. Secures the bar and looks back at her loft, sighs and get's up to her bed successfully.

So I guess one could learn from this story. 1. Make a ladder if your school does not provide them for you 2. Make sure all beds are secure and 3. Be a climber and try to be fearless

Shhh...it's quiet hours.

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