Monday, August 31, 2009

To New Beginnings...

I guess one could say that this room is filled with four inhabitants who are very different, but when chillin on the meth couch (yes, you heard right. However calm down, it's just a term of endearment) we all come together by laughter.

One might ask how the four of us got into this o'lovely room in hocro? Well, I don't even know how it happened, it just did. We were orginally supposed to be a triple in a quad (one of the chosen got into ND - yeah GURL) and then Clare embraced us two weeks before returning to our home at Saint Mary's in South Bend, Indiana.

I guess to fully understand who we are, you deserve a good ole description of who we each are, (ahh, teachers from high school would be so proud.) and to be fair we will go oldest to youngest. (sidenote: they peer-pressured me to do this.)
     Clare is the oldest out of us. She hails from Oklahoma, however has traveled the states (and has really good stories). She is THE chillest girl I have ever met in my life. For example, one day she mis-placed her i.d and instead of freaking out (like most smc girls would) she simply shrugged it off and went to sleep.
     Michelle (myself) comes from Rockford, Illinois (and no, I do not claim Chicago as my home). I play soccer for Saint Mary's. I tend to be pretty laid back about many things, however I will step up to the plate and get angry if needed and one will know when I'm mad. 
     Courtney is from Flordia. She also blogs. Courtney is always always in a good mood. Even when she's stressing out, she seems to find the light at the end of the tunnel. She likes to watch tv on dvd and kick ass music.
     Katie is the baby ::awww:: She is from Cali and HILARIOUS. ohmygod. I die of laughing every night before I go to bed. Katie also blogs (damn, lot's of bloggers up in this room). Katie has a very different way of saying things which are very catchy. For example, oh hey guuuurrl.'s quiet hours.